Engineering & Remedial Services
Thomson have a fully trained team of commercial engineers and plumbers and are able to carry out various remedial works.
We are able to cut up, remove, relocate and replace water tanks. We deal with all the major manufacturers and have vast experience in this field.
Thomson are also sometimes able to `save` tanks and/or upgrade the water tank in line with the water regulations. Thomson are also able to re-line tanks, treat with anti-corrosive chemicals and paint tanks.
Thomson can carry out major plumbing works associated with the tanks including installing common header pipes, down-service pipes, rising mains, laying under-ground mains, re-directing vent pipes and removing lead pipework.
Thomson can supply, install & commission fully automated dosing equipment. This includes Bromine and Chlorine Dioxide delivery systems, Redox Units, Conductivity Controlled Bleed systems, Proportionallly Dosed Inhibitor Delivery Systems, Dosing Pots and Water Softeners.